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1. IgE 敏速知

了解 78 种过敏源,为家人健康做到足。


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2. ALEX²


只需微量血液,便能一次过检测多达 300 种气传及食物过敏源,涵盖欧洲、东南亚、中国大陆及香港常见的致敏源及份子组份,让医生为病人快速建立个性化的精准治疗方案。

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  1. Sánchez-Borges M, Martin BL, Muraro AM, et al. The importance of allergic disease in public health: an iCAALL statement. World Allergy Organ J 2018; 11(1): 8.
  2. The Hong Kong Allergy Association 2014. Eczema. Retrieved 10 June 2020, .
  3. Gould HJ, Sutton BJ. IgE in allergy and asthma today. Nature Reviews Immunology 2008; 8: 205–217
  4. Lee TH, Wu YY, Chan KC et al. Immunoglobulin G testing in the diagnosis of food allergy and intolerance. Hong Kong Medical Journal 2017, 23: 419-420.
  5. Eigenmann PA, Markovic MA, Hourihane JOB. Testing Children for Allergies: Why, How, Who and When: An Updated Statement of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Section on Pediatrics and the EAACI-Clemens Von Pirquet Foundation. Pediatric Allergy and Immunol 2013; 24(2): 195-209. onewebmedia/Testing%20children%20for%20allergies%20-%20EAACI.pdf
  6. Lau YL et al. 2009, 'Health Information', Metro Daily, 30 July, p. 31.

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